Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sarah Bridgland by Jenny Raspberry

Sarah Bridgland is an artist that uses others peoples junk as her treasure. Well, she goes to places that have old paper, boxes and other things that interest her. All the scrappy kind of items are the things she gathers so she can make cool looking dioramas. What is cool about this lady is that she doesnt care where she gets her supplies and that she knows what she's going to do with it.  She does a good job at making scrap work into cool art!


  1. Her art is very neat because even though she made it out of trash, the final piece does not look like trash. It kinda has a retro feel to it instead. You can tell that she puts lots of time into her work because it is so detailed and intricate. I appreciate her use of the random!

  2. I appreciate how she can make things out of things that other people think of as trash. It almost reminds me of dada because she uses such random materials. -Lindsay Mechtel
